The 'Contact us' page

Your customers need to be able to contact you to make enquires or place orders.  Your Simple Website includes a Contact us page where you provide contact information for your customers.


There are a few different way that you can offer for people can contact you – you can choose which ones you offer on your contacts page. 


The simplest way for your customers to contact you is with a contact form that they complete on screen, which transfers their enquiry to you via email.  This is the minimum level of contact that you should offer.  You can provide your email address on your Contact us page so that they can email you directly; however, this may result in you getting unwanted unsolicited email (spam).  Using a contact form eliminates spam email.


Using a contract form or email address means that you can deal with customer enquiries when you have time, so your work doesn’t get interrupted.  However, it also means that your customers can’t get in touch with you immediately if they urgently need a response, and they may move on to enquiring at other businesses.


 If you have someone available to answer your phone or are happy to return voice messages, you can provide your phone number on the Contact us page.  


If you have an actual shop front (a building) you can give your customers your address and provide a map, or you can describe your location to help customer find you.    


All of these contact options are included on the Contact us page in Your Simple Website.