Upgrading your Jimdo hosting package

If you get a lot of visitors to Your Simple Website, that’s a good indication that your website is attracting attention, and that it may be worthwhile upgrading your website to a higher-level Jimdo hosting package, such as Jimdo Pro, for which you pay a yearly fee.  


With a Jimdo Pro hosting package, your website will be entirely your own, with your own domain name (the main part of your web address), and no added link promoting the Jimdo service.  As well as your own domain name, you get an email service with your own enterprise’s email address that includes your domain name, and the option to have your web address end with your country code (.au, nz, .uk).  There are a few other facilities that a Jimdo Pro hosting package gives you, that you may not need yet, which may be useful later as your enterprise grows.


Jimdo currently charges $120 each year for the Jimdo Pro hosting package.  You can upgrade to Jimdo Pro by yourself, or Your Simple Website can perform the upgrade for you, as an extra.


Does your own web address matter?

Is it worth it to you to upgrade to the Jimdo Pro hosting package?  


The most noticeable difference with a Jimdo Pro hosting package is that your web address will be entirely your own – your web address won’t include the name ‘Jimdo’ at the end.  


So how much does this matter?


In the end, customers searching for a product on the World Wide Web just want information about your enterprise and what products you can offer them.  You should know from your own searches for products on the World Wide Web that you want to know if an enterprise can supply you with what you need, and you probably don’t even notice what is in their web address.  This is especially so for smaller enterprises.


There can be no doubt that a web address that is all your own with just your enterprises name, and which matches your email address, looks more professional, especially for a larger enterprise that people would expect an exclusive address for; but for a smaller enterprise it doesn’t really matter – most people won’t care or even notice.


The Jimdo Business website

Jimdo has another level of hosting package above Jimdo Pro – it’s called Jimdo BusinessJimdo Business is more expensive at $240 each year, but it offers a lot more features that you will need if you want to run a substantial web-shop to sell things on your website.


Your Simple Website can build you a Jimdo Business website as a fully customised website.  If you think that this is what you need, get in touch with us  and we can discuss your requirements and give you a quote.